Are you a wanderer?

Where ever you are on your deconstruction or reconstruction journey, you are loved, and your story matters.

An evolving relationship to faith and belief is a healthy part being human. But leaving high-control religion can be a lonely and painful path.

I’ve been down that road and would be honored to walk with you towards healing.

About Ruth

I am a spiritual director completing my certification with the Center for Non-Religious Spirituality, a program that specializes in supporting individuals experiencing faith crisis or deconstructing from high control religion. I take great joy in companioning people towards healthy spirituality.

My own spiritual path and educational forays run through theology, literature, and counseling. But at heart I’m a wanderer. My best teachers are rivers and trees. I have deep roots in the Christian tradition and the ancient ways of Jesus, yet, I’ve followed the path of perennial wisdom with the mystics and poets of the great world traditions. I value intellectual and theological humility and embrace the primacy of love as the true path whatever your tradition.

  • Spiritual Direction or Spiritual Companionship is an ancient practice found in many of the world’s wisdom traditions. Spiritual Directors are trained to hold space and to practice sacred listening, imbued with compassion and discernment, to walk alongside you on your spiritual path.

    This is a safe space for your story and for your journey. It is my joy to walk with you.

  • In a 55-minute Session we will hold space for your journey in the presence of Spirit. This is time for sacred listening and discernment for your path. We may begin with a moment of centering silence. I may offer questions or lead in a spiritual practice, but this time is primarily led by what is coming up in your heart. We will walk and listen together.